Latest Projects
Web app which brings psychologists in contact with users to help them in their personal growth and learn how to manage their emotions.
Mobile app where you can scan product and know if it is organic (real) food, processed food or ultra-processed. You can set up your own menus and set the calories and weight objectives. There is a community where you can share your questions, recipes, posts and information.
Online matchmaking platform bringing businesses in contact with academics, that specifically suit their business challenge by providing a fast search, booking and smart legal contracts with an innovation dashboard all in one place.
Mobile application that allows people to rent a space in a house, for a short period of time, when suddenly they need to rest because they may feel tired and need to recover the energy and continue their day in order to feel fresh and rested
Mobile app where people can loan and borrow money each other with an interest rate chosen for the users.
Coaching mobile application that helps people to cross their boundaries.
Personalized groceries app that offers food bundles where people can buy fast.
When you launch the app the first step is to answer a survey which helps you to choose your shopping preferences.